[ExI] Warren Buffett is worried too and thinks Republicans are "asinine"
spike66 at att.net
Wed Nov 6 00:59:19 UTC 2013
>... On Behalf Of david
> _______________________________________________
>...Yes to "they will keep your refund", but that's not exactly what I
meant. If you have any tax liability at all they can collect.
>...For example assume your income tax should be $1000 and your opt out tax
>...You adjust your with-holding to be exactly $1000.
>...The IRS says "You have paid your $500 opt out tax and $500 of your
income tax. Now pay the other $500 under threat of income tax collection
>...The only people immune to this are those who have absolutely no other
tax liability than the opt-out tax.-David.
Ja, I see. I would think they will carefully differentiate those two, for
the IRS doesn't want to risk losing the authority they have maintained and
built all these years, by mixing a tax they do have the authority to collect
with another tax they do not have the authority to collect.
That being said, considering the revelations of the last few days, good
chance the IRS will be very cautious about doing anything with the opt-out
tax. We found out the president flat out lied to get the ACA to pass. The
comment, repeated at least a couple dozen times is "If you like your current
plan, you can keep your current plan. Period. End of story."
Now we find out the rules for what constitutes adequate coverage would cause
many of the current plans to not qualify. So the people who had those plans
have lost their insurance, even if they liked their plans. If a person had
a plan which failed to cover Sandra Fluke's birth control pills and abortion
services for instance, even if they liked that plan, they now don't like
that plan.
One of Obama's predecessors commented "It depends on what your definition of
is is." Now we see redefinement of the terms Period and End of story. With
regard to the comment "If you like your current plan, you can keep your
current plan. Period. End of story," period now means comma or asterisk.
End of story now means "The government now gets to tell you if you like your
current policy."
The 'period, end of story' comment was not true. The revelation today is
the government knew at the time that it wasn't true. So now, do we think
the IRS will stake its authority trying to collect a tax which it is
specifically forbidden to collect by force, on a tax which was levied based
on a lie?
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