[ExI] Warren Buffett is worried too and thinks Republicans are "asinine"

Henry Rivera hrivera at alumni.virginia.edu
Wed Nov 6 11:53:13 UTC 2013

> On Nov 4, 2013, at 22:42, Kelly Anderson <kellycoinguy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 10:01 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>> and the IRS has no authority to
>> collect the tax, as they do with income tax.  Reasoning: as written, the tax
>> applies to those who do not make enough money to require a tax return.
> I'm not sure of that. Those who do not make enough to pay are thrown into the Medicare Medicaid pile.
>> So now what does the IRS do?  What happens when we see burn-your-W2 rally, a
>> modern echo of the 1960s burn-your-draft-card rally and the
>> burn-your-feminine-undergarment rally?  
> I think Ayn Rand wrote a book about that... too bad it's all just a wet dream.
>> Do stand by, this will be interesting.
> Sort of like a train wreck is interesting, yes.
>> That case demonstrates why I have always thought health care reform must be
>> done at the state level rather than the Fed.  The states have more power in
>> those kinds of matters.  The states have more space to experiment and change
>> things if they fail.  
> Romneycare, as big a mess as it is for those in Massachusetts, is not as big a mess as Obamacare will be. The US is simply bigger than Mass.

As a Massachusetts resident and a healthcare provider, I can tell you Romneycare is not a big mess here. 
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