[ExI] Warren Buffett is worried too and thinks Republicans are "asinine"

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Nov 6 15:53:13 UTC 2013



>… On Behalf Of Henry Rivera


>>…That case demonstrates why I have always thought health care reform must be
done at the state level rather than the Fed.  The states have more power in
those kinds of matters.  The states have more space to experiment and change
things if they fail… spike  


>…Romneycare, as big a mess as it is for those in Massachusetts, is not as big a mess as Obamacare will be. The US is simply bigger than Mass… Kelly


>…As a Massachusetts resident and a healthcare provider, I can tell you Romneycare is not a big mess here. 



EXCELLENT, thanks Henry.  This strengthens my contention that health care reform must be done at the state level.  The Fed doesn’t have the authority to do this and does not have a balanced budget requirement.  States do, in both cases.  I would go along with health care at the federal level, if the US does two things: pass a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget and pass a constitutional amendment giving it the authority to run health care.  It’s unlikely either of those two things will happen soon.  Until then, state governments period end of story, assuming the original definition of period end of story.



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