[ExI] Multi-millionaire funds gene sequencing to find genes for mathematical genius

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Fri Nov 8 09:40:14 UTC 2013

Il 07/11/2013 22:10, Anders Sandberg ha scritto:
> On 2013-11-07 20:40, Kelly Anderson wrote:

>> If all it did was provide a DNA screening test for potential
>> mathematical geniuses (no small feat) it would be very useful in
>> helping to find students to focus special attention on.

> Statistics doesn't work that way. Hypothetical example: if *everybody*
> in the genius group reliably shows a certain signal it might still be
> useless in practice, if 50% of the population has the signal. Yes, if
> you lack the signal you will not be a genius, but if you have it the
> probability is just a tiny fraction higher.

> Since the genius group will be small it will not be possible to
> determine genomic signals very firmly - simply too few data points.

But maybe the best strategy to increase the mathematical genius in the
population is to select against the lack of the gene and not in favor of
the presence.
This until we have better understanding of the functions and
interactions of the other genes.


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