[ExI] Dark Matter
spike66 at att.net
Wed Nov 13 18:09:26 UTC 2013
>. On Behalf Of Anders Sandberg
>.Exactly! The American Midwest is an abstraction or TV setting for me,
despite having seen it ("flyover country") from the airplane window many
times. --Dr Anders Sandberg
Hi Anders,
I often urge people especially Europeans, to come to the states, fly in to
Phoenix, or Las Vegas, even Los Angeles, or just pick one out there
somewhere, any one of those states where you look out your plane window and
see no signs of civilization for half an hour at a time at airliner speeds.
Rent a car, a good comfortable fast one, then just drive out across the US
desert southwest. Note how empty and how vast and how sunny it is out
there. Note the stark desert beauty everywhere. Go across Highway 50 in
Nevada is a great example. Stop somewhere. Right in the middle of the road
if you wish, no one is coming, either direction. Get out of your car, and
listen. That is a sound you seldom hear: your heart beating and your lungs
Drive for a week thru the fly-over states. Take camping gear along, because
cities are far apart. When you get back to the airport, ask yourself if
your views on massive ground based solar have been influenced by your lonely
drive thru those massive empty desert states.
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