[ExI] What happens when Bitcoin goes to a million bucks?

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Wed Nov 20 21:16:09 UTC 2013

Il 20/11/2013 15:59, spike ha scritto:

> *COOL!  Eugenio, who wrote that?*

I'm quoting "The Quotable Mises".

>>…The problem with that quote is that No Government is also a way of
> governing and I´d say that is not desired by general public (since
> nobody votes anarchist or anachcapitalist parties).

> Eugenio, I am astonished at how often in America today we are seeing the
> concept of limited  central government being equated with no
> government.

>  We see the concept of states (rather than the Fed) doing
> most of the governing being equated to anarchy.  We see the concept of
> local governments doing that for which they were established being
> equated with chaos.  The notion that the Federal government is held to
> the intentionally strict guidelines of its own Constitution is treated
> as a quaint and outdated theory, established by racists and slavers.  It
> then follows with how wonderful it will all be if a big brother federal
> government just does everything for us, feeds our poor, supports our
> unemployed, heals our sickness, binds our wounds, stops the rising of
> the seas, holds our helpless little hands and tells us exactly what we
> are to do.

Or else....


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