[ExI] What happens when Bitcoin goes to a million bucks?

Eugenio Martínez rolandodegilead at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 00:26:00 UTC 2013

> *>…* *On Behalf Of *Eugenio Martínez
> >…"Whoever wants to see the world governed according to his
> own ideas must strive for dominion over men’s minds.... Men cannot be
> made happy against their will."
> Liberalism, p. 46
> *COOL!  Eugenio, who wrote that?*

Mirco Romanato a couple of mails before this one.

> *>…* (I say that because, as far as I know, there are more than two
> parties in USA, but it is impossible for one of the other parties to reach
> everybody)
> We have a number of third parties which tend to mostly ally themselves
> with one of the two majors.  In the past two decades, our two major parties
> have become nearly indistinguishable.  A new one came along recently, the
> Tea Party, with the main platform of “Don’t raise taxes, cut spending.”
> That sounded right to me.  The two majors united in common cause against
> that one.  Even the IRS got in on the act, illegally suppressing that party
> at every opportunity.  They got caught.  Nothing happened.  It appears
> nothing will happen.
> Does that tell you what you need to know about American politics?

I was thinking more on the green party or the USA´s comunist party

I don´t know about the Tea Party more than I heard in the news, that is
more or less that they are ultrareligious, ultranationalistic,
ultra-anti-ecologist, ultra-conservative, etc.

> >…The problem with that quote is that No Government is also a way of
> governing and I´d say that is not desired by general public (since nobody
> votes anarchist or anachcapitalist parties).
> Eugenio, I am astonished at how often in America today we are seeing the
> concept of limited  central government being equated with no government.
> We see the concept of states (rather than the Fed) doing most of the
> governing being equated to anarchy.  We see the concept of local
> governments doing that for which they were established being equated with
> chaos.  The notion that the Federal government is held to the intentionally
> strict guidelines of its own Constitution is treated as a quaint and
> outdated theory, established by racists and slavers.  It then follows with
> how wonderful it will all be if a big brother federal government just does
> everything for us, feeds our poor, supports our unemployed, heals our
> sickness, binds our wounds, stops the rising of the seas, holds our
> helpless little hands and tells us exactly what we are to do.

Here in Spain there was a  example of that with Jose María Aznar in the
leading role:

While Zapatero´s government (light-right-winged monarchic-catholic
socialdemocracy), there was and advertisment about road security that had
as slogan "No podemos conducir por ti" ("We can´t drive for you"). Aznar,
after praise the wine, said that "Nobody wants the government to drive by
you" .

I was astonished at how often the concept of security and traffic laws was
equated to a big brother doing everything for us.

In the past, for thousand of years probably, there was a perfect economic
freedom, before doing economic laws. Do you really think that it was an
egalitarian society?

I don´t want my sickness being forced to be healed, but If I have a
sickness and I want it to be healed and I can´t afford a heal plan, Must I
die because not having money enough?

Giving freedom or right to live only to people with money is moraly wrong.

> spike
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