[ExI] ...or else... was: RE: What happens when Bitcoin goes to a million bucks?
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Nov 25 14:43:03 UTC 2013
Il 21/11/2013 07:06, spike ha scritto:
> Ja. Mirco everywhere in the last decade I have seen evidence of a Federal
> government which has become too big for its breeches. The whole reason why
> the constitution was written was to prevent the kinds of abuses we are
> seeing today.
All political structure fail because individuals, slowly or not, erode
their fundation for their own profit.
The most lasting political structure of the world is the most strict on
one of the most severe on the people it allow to join it. It put them at
a loss first and just a few are able to move up. And require them to
respect celibacy. But this do not work well in a low birth rate world.
> It is too bad it had to be this way. The American people are to suffer for
> the way we vested so much authority into our Federal government, even
> knowing that it leads to corruption. Our near-term suffering will come in
> the form of chaos in our medical care industry, panic and disruption
> everywhere, brutal destruction of a system which didn't work well, but
> worked for some. We will pay the price in the form of power shifting from
> one of the major parties to the other, but the problem will not be solved.
> I am convinced the other major party will prove to be nearly as corrupt and
> perhaps over half as incompetent as the one currently holding two of the
> three seats of power.
Reforms, usually, is caused by external factors more than internal ones.
The reforms will force people to behave honestly, at least a little more
honestly than now. There will not be pork to be redistributed, no
younger generation to indebt to pay for olders current expenditures.
People will need to work and exchange honest work and goods to obtain
honest work and goods.
I was listening to Jeffrey Tucker and Adam B. Levine debate
and Tucker made an interesting remark about Bitcoin as a way to burn
down to the ground the current financial system by the younger generations.
They could not have the numbers to stage a revolution with their bodies
and the strength to do so with weapons (it rarely works and the US are
just one of the few exceptions), but they have fresh mind and technology
to back their attempts.
It do not need to be a conscious effort for all of them; they just do
what they do because they try to survive and prosper in a world where
all card are already stacked against them even before they where born.
They do not enroll in ObamaCare because they have no money and no
inclination to pay more for others. They move into bitcoin because they
have no reason to preserve the wealth of the elders that is stored in
government debts, house prices, stock prices and so on. They are just
leaving the elders play their childish games alone and prey over each other.
> Regarding that bungled HealthCare.gov website launch, I am emboldened to
> make another prediction. Recall in mid-October they assured us the website
> would be fixed by 30 November. It will not be fixed by 30 November, even
> after we note they didn't specify which year. The system was based on a
> flawed premise: healthy young people can be compelled to buy insurance. I
> thought three years ago they could not and would not. I still think that
> way.
> Prediction: the American people will shrug and suggest we give the other
> guys a chance to fix it. They too will fail, for different reasons. They
> will not recognize that this kind of problem must be tackled at the state
> level, and that federal government must shrink to fit its budget. The other
> guys find that notion as repugnant as the current crew.
> Any questions?
Do you think they will move the system to a single-payer system before
they give up and decide to try something more market friendly?
Then, the single-payer system do not need to be done directly at a
Federal Level.
In Italy there is not a single payer system centrally directed (sort
of). The central government just collect the money from payrolls
It is a service tax where, in the end, people pay around 11% of their
salary and wealthier people pay less - there is a Constitutional Court
ruling about this (because the politicians wanted to make wealthier
people pay more); it come out what we pay is not a tax but a payment for
a service and given the service is the same for everyone, they can not
justify a progressive taxation or even the same level of taxation).
But in the end, the centers entitled (in some ways) to spend money and
manage the Health Service are the Regional local governments. This
improved the situation from the first reform when they were managed by
the Provincial Government levels and the expenditures were totally out
of control and the management totally political (but we are talking
about more than twenty years ago).
With the current system we have the country divided in two, with the
North with a better Health care (because we are relatively better
managed) and the South with a bad health care (because they are very
mismanaged and too much people was hired in the past to obtain their
vote for the sitting politicians).
A lot of people is forced to move from south to north to obtain the care
they need. There are a lot of waiting time everywhere to see a MD
specialist or obtain some examinations from the government health care.
Not so if you pay out of pocket. And often, because of the copay
required, it happen it cost less to obtain some service directly from
the private sector.
So, no, I do not think if they move from Obamacare to GovernorsCare
there will be any increase of efficiency. In the end, every local
government will try to use the sector to obtain money and votes to stay
in power.
You need (and we need) to move to a free market health care, where
people pay and obtain what the market can afford to offer at some price
level and efficiency improvements are promptly rewarded.
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