[ExI] id theft in o-care
Anders Sandberg
anders at aleph.se
Thu Oct 10 09:32:04 UTC 2013
On 2013-10-10 09:02, BillK wrote:
> Well, it is a government system, so they already know most of the data
> they are asking you for.
Who are "they"? The government as a whole may "know" everything, but
within each compartment it might be impossible to get all relevant data
together. The DMV cannot just ask the NSA for a current photo of you.
I remember hearing the head of a UK drug enforcement agency complaining
about that despite giving a direct order, his subordinate agencies were
*unable* to tell him - after months of research - how much methadone
they were handing out. The Swedish government simultaneously knows and
does not know where I live: I get tax bills to the right UK address, but
the healthcare system has me in a database of "unfindable citizens"
while the pension system thinks I live in the wrong place.
Government-sceptical Americans seem to have undue faith in how well
governments actually work.
(But badly managed sites that can be hacked should be a concern)
Dr Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford Martin School
Oxford University
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