[ExI] [Doctrinezero] Fwd: [London-Futurists] Books to review in London Futurists HOAs
Eugen Leitl
eugen at leitl.org
Tue Oct 15 12:39:04 UTC 2013
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Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:30:01 +0100
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To: "doctrinezero at zerostate.is" <doctrinezero at zerostate.is>
Subject: [Doctrinezero] Fwd: [London-Futurists] Books to review in London Futurists HOAs
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From: David Wood <davidw at deltawisdom.com>
Date: 15 October 2013 13:09
Subject: [London-Futurists] Books to review in London Futurists HOAs
To: London-Futurists-announce at meetup.com
Dear Futurists,
This Sunday (20th October), another meetup in the open online series of
London Futurists Hangout on Air takes place. It'a a panel discussion about
issues raised by the recent novel "The Transhumanist Wager" by Zoltan
Istvan. See *the event
* for more details of that meetup, and the team of distinguished panellists
on this occasion: Giulio Prisco, Rick Searle, Chris T. Armstrong, and
Zoltan himself.
*Note 1:* a couple of people have asked me for more details about the
concept of "Transhumanist" mentioned in the title of Zoltan's book. To
provide some background, I've created a couple of pages over on the main
London Futurists website:
- *Transhumanist
*: This contains a couple of short videos and some background material
(including the 1957 definition of the word "Transhumanism" by Julian Huxley)
- *Technoprogressives and
*: A short video about varieties of different futurists, including (you
guessed it) technoprogressives and transhumanists).
*Note 2:* Depending on how quickly you can read, there's still (just about)
enough time to download and read through *Zoltan's
* prior to the start time of the meetup (7pm UK time, i.e. BST = British
Summer Time). That way, you'll probably enjoy the discussion more fully
(though it's not a requirement to read the book before participating in the
*Note 3:* We'll be using the Hangout On Air 'Questions' feature, which mean
that people watching the meetup from *my Google+
* will be able to raise questions for answer by the panellists, and to vote
on questions raised by other viewers. This should help create a better
sense of a connected community jointly participating in an online event.
*But which books should feature in forthcoming London Futurist HOA panel
*This Google Moderator page
<http://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=20f355>*contains a number of
suggestions. I invite you to get involved in voting
suggestions Up or Down, and to raise your own suggestions.
In casting votes, criteria you may like to consider include:
- Is the book well-written? Was it a pleasure to read?
- Does it raise important topics of interest to futurists?
- Is the book something you would be happy to recommend to many of your
friends that they should read it too? Or would you have reservations?
- Is the book already a key part of discussion among people seriously
interested in the future?
You can also leave comments explaining your reasons for voting other
suggestions Up or Down, or for having mixed feelings about a particular
// David W. Wood
Chair, London Futurists
This message was sent by David Wood (davidw at deltawisdom.com) from London
Futurists <http://www.meetup.com/London-Futurists/>.
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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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