[ExI] five stages interpretation of shutdown

spike spike66 at att.net
Fri Oct 18 16:49:29 UTC 2013


Elisabeth Kubler-Ross introduced a ground-breaking theory in her 1969 book
On Death and Dying, regarding the five stages generally experience by
terminally ill patients, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
Since that time, we have realized that the concept can be expanded to some
degree.  Examples would be dealing with other losses besides death, such as
divorce, a huge financial setback or the end of career.


The EKR theory can help explain conflict in groups of people dealing with a
common tragedy, such as a family dealing with the loss of a child for
instance, or a company which loses a huge contract to a competitor and is
ruined.  The members of the group at different stages of DABDA tend to find
themselves in conflict with each other.


Let us try to use the EKR notion to interpret the flailing acrimony
regarding the recent conniptions of the US government.  I think it explains
a lot of what we are seeing and hearing.


If we try to apply EKR theory in this novel manner, the first thing to
identify is what is the crisis or tragedy?  Unless we can focus on a common
assumption there, the experiment will fail.



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