[ExI] The Actual Visionary of the Future
Tomaz Kristan
protokol2020 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 12:21:35 UTC 2013
> I believe in the Law of Accelerating Returns, and I think it applies even
more broadly than Ray applies it.
Me, too! I know LAR is in a disagreement with the light speed principle.
Eventually they'll meet in a duel.
I give 99% probability that LSP will win over LAR, but not 100%.
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Kelly Anderson <kellycoinguy at gmail.com>wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 12:54 AM, Kevin G Haskell <kgh1kgh2 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> >As Anders Sandberg would say, science is about approximation. Well, so,
>> then, perhaps, is this, and perhaps not:
>> >I was once told by 'someone' here that having an Extropian Facebook Page
>> would be like
>> >drinking quality champagne from plastic glasses, but I always wondered,
>> >"why would such a great group of thinkers limit themselves to
>> >such an archaic system as a llstserv?
> Because for deep discussions of deep topics, a listserv still works better
> than facebook. If you would like to debate this point, I am up to the
> challenge.
>> >WTF happened.
> Facebook happened. And it dumbed us down just like PowerPoint.
>> >I've heard this group become overrun by negatarians, not optimists. So...
> Not so. I remain firmly optimistic along with most of my friends here.
>> >This man...I am just happy and privilaged to be alive in the same time
>> period that he is.
> I am privileged to live in an era with spell checkers.
>> >This man, this great, great man, is one of the very few who drive
>> humanity forward fearlessly.
> I'm one of the few open fans of Ray on this list. I have been since I read
> his dissertation (master's thesis?) on character recognition around 1987.
> Well before his first book was published, I was borrowing his thesis
> through interlibrary loan. I think a lot like Ray in many ways. He does
> have a blind spot for speech recognition being "just around the corner"...
> but other than that capitalistic imposed blindness, he's been spot on about
> a lot of things.
> I believe in the Law of Accelerating Returns, and I think it applies even
> more broadly than Ray applies it. I know it is a faith. But I am an acolyte.
> -Kelly
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