[ExI] scurrilous commentary
pharos at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 22:21:24 UTC 2014
On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 9:26 PM, spike wrote:
> SONY employees are sweating bullets right now because they know that whoever
> hacked them might publish any embarrassing thing they wrote in privacy to a
> recipient. An idea occurred to me which may defeat the dampening effect of
> such incidents and protect people's privacy in such circumstances: we create
> an offensive comment generator. Then if one's email is hacked, the hackers
> can't be sure the sender really wrote the comment, or if it was machine
> generated. We could collect input commentary from extreme political sites,
> teen chat, early ExI flame wars, Shakespearean insult collections, sexual
> dysfunction use-groups, somehow inject references to current events, that
> sort of thing.
> Can you software hipsters write a scurrilous-comment generator?
Search - insult generator
Many sites have several generators, like buzzwords, etc.
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