[ExI] most daring ceo?
spike66 at att.net
Sat Feb 1 07:18:03 UTC 2014
Leading the charge in the DNA revolution, Anne Wojcicki, our CEO and
co-founder, is named the "most daring CEO in America".
Here's what I don't get. Suppose you start a company and it succeeds
wildly, and is worth, say ten miiilllllion bucks! Oh my, aren't you proud,
and you take such good care of your 10 millllllion dollar company that you
OK now suppose you are Mrs. Google, or even the ex-Mrs. Google and you have
a couple billion clams from a generous ex. Don't you think that gigabuck or
two would have some impact on your attitude towards your 10 megabuck
For instance, suppose the government is giving you a big hassle about
practicing medicine when you aren't practicing medicine at all. You are
reporting the results of surveys freely given by your clients as
intentionally open crowd sourced science, matching results with others who
took the survey whose DNA markers match yours. That isn't practicing
medicine. The FDA has no say in what you do with survey results. So you
feel justified in telling the government to go to hell. Sure that's daring,
but having the billion dollars from another source would have to contribute
to that daring, ja?
If Anne Wojcicki were not independently wealthy, sure I would call her
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