[ExI] tech influence

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 21:12:46 UTC 2014

On Feb 11, 2014 7:21 PM, "spike" <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> Why go light years away?  Mars is only a few minutes away.

Why leave one gravity well only to drop into another?  Lunar orbit has such
convenient access to many metals, and recyclable nitrogen (and other
life-critical substances) not hard to import.

> And no need to export billions.  One or two young women with a bunch of
frozen embryos would work for a start.

Except for the "raising the children to be capable of doing much of
consequence, and caring at all about repaying those who sent them" bit.

Seriously, just sending people to give birth and ignoring everything else
that makes up a civilization is sending them to die.  Unless you claim
everything else can be automated, but by the time that could be done (it's
not yet possible in the much more forgiving environment of Earth), there
would be no need to give birth either: just program mind children and maybe
forge robotic bodies for them.
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