[ExI] we need socialism
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Sat May 24 17:20:59 UTC 2014
The problem with this is that you are conflating politics with idealogy. Arguing the merits of various ideologies is moot when *none* of the governments that claim to espouse an ideal actually even *try* to live up to it. So first make governments accountable to their rhetoric and promises, then I will entertain the merits of various "isms" with you.
Until then, there seems to be only one true form of government in the world that obfuscates itself behind diverse idealogical prpaganda: oligarchy. And so long as the oligarchs think that taxing the rich for welfare is the most cost effective way to deal with riots and anarchy, then we shall continue to have socialism. When the robot riot cops start popping up, well then its open season on the peasants.
But if you must split hairs, the US seems to be evolving into a Soteriarchy. A government that stops at no expense to ensure the real or imagined safety of its citizens from threats be they real or imagined. Terrorism and Global Warming seem to spring to mind for possible imagined or at least exagerated threats. And of course you need to be protected from yourself, the Constitution be damned.
P.S. Sorry for the top posting but Yahoo leaves me little choice.
On Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:28 AM, William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
>Libertarians don't like authority, or at least question it severely if it is some sort of science thing. But look at the needs of society:
>Somebody has to :
>take out trash
>fix roads
>put out fires
>catch bad guys
>So what we do is pool out money through taxes and pay others to do this. OK, so this is kindergarten level, but wait.
>We have a right to hate communism based on its record in Russia, N Korea, Cuba and others. But wait: all of these are authoritarian-based. Aside from some hippie communes, where has libertarian socialism been practiced?
>Many of us hated Carl Rogers and his feel-good, unconditional positive regard theory of child raising. But - has it ever been really tried? Probably not, almost certainly not. As soon as a kid left his house he would be treated much differently.
>So we need socialism, like police departments - its' just a question of how much we will have. This group knows this, and knows that people on the right and people on the left will never ever agree on how much to take from individuals to benefit society.
>Or maybe 14 trillion dollars of debt is a good stopping point. bill w
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