[ExI] Be nice to leftists
John Clark
johnkclark at gmail.com
Wed May 28 14:26:16 UTC 2014
On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 6:17 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> > I had an interesting experience just yesterday. I was in Costco and
> they were selling baskets handmade in Africa. We don’t have much stuff
> made in Africa here. Why is that?
One reason is the enormous amount of corruption and political instability
in Africa, no company wants to make a investment if you must constantly
make payments to numerous and competing gangs of thugs to keep them from
burning down your factory, or if they worry the government is going to
nationalize it, or if a civil war is likely to break out right in front of
> Plenty of low cost labor, seems like a manufacturers paradise. [...]
> They went on and on about their fair trade agreements and how they make
> sure no one is working for 40 cents an hour.
And that is the other reason. The only advantage Africa has over other
places is plenty of very low cost labor, but liberal "humanitarians" insist
on taking that one advantage away from Africa. So even though millions
would be absolutely delighted to receive the princely wage of 40 cents an
hour the leftest have stepped in to "help" them and made sure that can
never happen. So now Africans no longer get 40 cents an hour, thanks to the
intervention of upper middle class western whites and their liberal ideas
Africans now receive exactly ZERO cents an hour.
John K Clark
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