[ExI] Be nice to leftists
spike66 at att.net
Wed May 28 23:51:41 UTC 2014
>… On Behalf Of Eugenio Martínez
>>…Eugenio, if we weren’t heavily armed, we would be in war times. Weakness is provocation.
>…What? Your government is heavily armed. You have maybe a couple of weapons. Your neighbours have nothing. In Europe, nobody has weapons, still we are less violents. Weakness is provocation as long as short skirts are provocations for rape. I mean: If we both met, as I can see in your photo, I am way younger and bigger than you. If it happens that you don´t have your weapons with you, are you provoking me? As far as I think, you are just next to me…
Hmm, I don’t know what you are proposing here. Weakness is provocation. Being possibly armed is often equivalent to being armed; both are sufficient to discourage attack.
>…In Allende´s years, truck drivers from Chile were payed by the US government just for do nothing. They payed more that the salary that they had if they had worked. That is just an example between one thousand: Capitalism is stronger and win the wars. But the war doesn´t determine who is right. (just who is left)…
Still not clear what you are arguing.
Capitalism encourages competition. Competition breeds excellence. Excellence generates wealth. Wealth promotes capitalism.
Upward spiral. Excellent.
>>… We now have the control system technology to have most slave labor done by robots. Problem solved.
>…It would be solved if it were economically worthwhile…
It gets more worthwhile with each price increase for labor.
>>…With adequate weapons, your neighbor will not attack. Form a business together, makes something valuable, become rich. Teach your children to do likewise. All get rich together.
>…So, if we are not going to attack ourselves, what are the weapons for?
Deterrence, me lad. Weapons of war are actually weapons of peace. Note we have never used all those nuclear missiles. No one has. But they kept the commies from going ape in the 1950s.
>… Couldn´t we form a business and make something valuable without weapons?
Sure. Form away. The weapons infrastructure is in place, now we are ready to do business.
>… I think you are very ingenious…
You are too kind, sir, thank you.
>…If your neighbour want to kill you he can throw you a simple knife or hit you with a simple bat…
It isn’t my neighbor I want to deter. Those are all good guys. I want to deter the bad guys.
>… If you walk in dangerous neighbourhoods of Sudamerica, you can be robbed…
Simple solution: don’t go into those neighborhoods.
>…If you show your weapon, you are going to be shooted, because the robber doesn´t want to risk his life…
Ja, my point exactly. We have places in America where guns are illegal, such as Chicago. The gun death risk there is thru the roof. Solution: don’t go there. Go where guns are legal. Robbers don’t like to risk their lives; they go where it is safer for them, places where there are few guns. So go where there are many guns; it’s safer for you there. Bumper sticker: Where guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns.
>…There were here elections in Europe. And there were a lot of ultraright and ultrawing parties that made their way to the European parlament. We are going to see 4 interesting years…
Ja I agree it will be interesting. We should see constant experimentation in government. Try different solutions. The American Left is always urging diversity; well OK, let’s have some diversity. If diversity of thought is good here, it must be good in Europe too; Europe and American are not so different.
Congratulations on the parliamentary victories Eugenio. We wish your nation and your continent the best.
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