[ExI] Be nice to leftists

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed May 28 20:38:53 UTC 2014

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 3:53 PM, spike wrote:
> There we disagree.  Capitalism makes the poor richer too.

There was a big conference in London yesterday.


The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism co-hosted by the City of London
Corporation and EL Rothschild investment firm, brought together the
people who control a third of the world's liquid assets - the most
powerful financial and business elites - to discuss the need for a
more socially responsible form of capitalism that benefits everyone,
not just a wealthy minority.

(You would think that the wealthiest people in the world would know
whether capitalism needs reforming).

Leading financiers referred to statistics on rising global
inequalities and the role of banks and corporations in marginalising
the majority while accelerating systemic financial risk - vindicating
the need for change.

The takeaway message, though, is that the rich are becoming worried
that they have gone too far and are on the verge of killing the goose
that laid the golden eggs.

Central to the proceedings was an undercurrent of elite fear that the
increasing disenfranchisement of the vast majority of the planetary
population under decades of capitalist business-as-usual could well be
its own undoing.

The rich seem to have a different view of capitalism........


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