[ExI] Aging out of addiction?
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 20:10:31 UTC 2014
> So I wonder how many treatment programs are no better than homeopathy or
> doing nothing. (And, yah, a case can be made the last two are equivalent.;)
> Dan
Most programs of any kind in clinical psych (which is what it is not
matter what they call it) are mostly placebo. In fact, many patients get
addicted to the therapy, meaning the attention they get. In AA, a person
can get addicted to revealing faults, admitting guilt, getting group
support, and so on. They can get a thrill out of the 'war stories' about
how much they drank and how stupid they were. Still, this one is the best
In addition to addictions, most mental disorders get better with time, with
or without medication or any other kind of therapy. This makes it very
hard to evaluate treatment effects.
I was a clinical psychologist for two years and exited to experimental.
Science too soft, peers burnt out, no way of knowing if you are doing any
A case can clearly be made for some disorders and some medications, at
least in the short run. However, Hans Eysenck did a huge study in the '50s
showing psychiatry to be worthless - no clear data on effectiveness. I
have not really kept up with the data but I doubt if it has changed a great
deal (except, again, for a few drugs, NOT including antidepressants). bill
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