[ExI] lockheed's fusion video
Adrian Tymes
atymes at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 15:17:15 UTC 2014
On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:30 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *Adrian Tymes
> >…Ah. So, neutrons get captured inside a larger fusing mass at an
> exponent even larger than the increase of the volume, then?
> No. As I understand it, the neutrons don’t get captured. The plasma gets
> captured because it is charged, so it can be contained by a magnetic field,
> in accordance with Maxwell’s (I think third) equation, that bit about a
> changing magnetic field inducing an electric field. But the neutrons go
> flying out and hit the metal walls of the reaction vessel, and that’s what
> erodes regardless of what magic is used to contain the plasma.
I meant, I thought it was the case that if volume X of plasma produces Y
amount of neutrons per unit time, then 2*X will produce 2*Y - i.e. that the
rate of neutron production scales with the volume. This would suggest that
the rate of neutrons crossing the surface goes up with a bigger volume -
which means slightly less bigger surface area.
For instance, if volume X has surface area Z, then 8*X will have 4*Z
surface area...but still 8*Y neutron production, so the rate of neutrons
crossing the surface went from Y/Z to 8*Y/4*Z = 2*(Y/Z).
Does the rate of neutron production not scale that way?
> >…That noble atom (all ions are technically still atoms) is gone...
> Oh, I haven’t heard it used that way. I have always heard that it is
> either an atom or an ion, but cannot be both. Atoms are neutral, ions are
> charged.
Ah. I'd heard "ions are atoms that have a non-neutral charge", thus "ion"
is a special type of "atom". Semantics.
> Adrian we are making a mistake here, me lad. There are surely internet
> groups that grok and discuss this stuff the way we discuss qualia and
> cryonics and ineffable stuff like that. They would be up to speed on this
> neutron chamber erosion problem. We should study their stuff rather than
> groping around in the dark like a bunch of drunken frat boys in an
> initiation rite. Keith? John Clark? Where should we go to learn about
> this?
Quite true. I thought you might have already found some resources on this.
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