[ExI] Virtual Reality is where the aliens are
Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 07:10:18 UTC 2015
I think it's very plausible that people in advanced alien
civilizations live as disembodied software and interact in VR scapes,
like in Greg Egan's Diaspora. But that doesn't mean that they lose
interest in the physical universe and space exploration. It just means
that their footprint on the universe is usually small and therefore
they are more difficult to detect. Their long-range communications
might be based on physics that we don't understand yet.
An alien nanoprobe crewed by thousands of upload just landed on the
tip of my nose, too bad I didn't see it.
On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 6:19 PM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> We Can’t Find Any Alien Neighbors and Virtual Reality Might Be to Blame
> By Aaron Frank Aug 20, 2015
> <http://singularityhub.com/2015/08/20/we-cant-find-any-alien-neighbors-and-virtual-reality-might-be-to-blame/>
> Quotes:
> To address the Fermi Paradox, futurist John Smart proposes the
> fascinating “transcension hypothesis” theorizing that evolutionary
> processes in our universe might lead all advanced civilizations
> towards the same ultimate destination; one in which we transcend out
> of our current space-time dimension into virtual worlds of our own
> design.
> Soon, we won’t visit the Internet from the glass window of our
> computer screens, but rather walk around inside it as a physical
> place. Philip Rosedale, the creator of Second Life, recently announced
> plans for a bold new virtual universe with a potential physical game
> map as large as the landmass of Earth. Essentially, he’ll create a
> virtual world with its own laws of physics, and once he’s pressed
> play, a newly formed universe will have its own “let there be light”
> creation moment.
> As we continue our plunge into virtual spaces, the validity of the
> transcension hypothesis will come into sharper focus. If technology
> trends toward a world of microscopic computers with infinitely complex
> realities inside, this might explain why we can’t see any alien
> neighbors. They’ve left us behind for the digital wormholes of their
> own design.
> ---------------
> Sounds plausible to me.
> BillK
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