[ExI] R: Re: Virtual Reality is where the aliens are
pharos at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 09:21:50 UTC 2015
On 31 August 2015 at 09:32, scerir wrote:
> John Cramer wrote: "This brings us to a variation of the famous Fermi Paradox:
> if interstellar wormhole transport is possible, shouldn't the technologically
> advanced civilizations of our galaxy already be sending tiny accelerated
> wormhole portals in our direction? Then, where are they? Perhaps they are
> already here. Cosmic ray physicists have occasionally observed strange super-
> energetic cosmic ray detection events, the Centauro events. These are cosmic
> ray particles with incredibly high energies that, when striking Earth's upper
> atmosphere, produce a large shower of particles that contains too many gamma
> rays and too few mu leptons, as compared to more normal cosmic ray shower
> events. The Centauro events presently lack an explanation based on any known
> physics.
Wikipedia - he say no.
Solution to the Centauro puzzle
In 2003 an international team of researches from Russia and Japan
found out that the mysterious observation from mountain-top cosmic ray
experiments can be explained with conventional physics.
The new analysis of Centauro I reveals that there is a difference in
the arrival angle between the upper block and lower block events, so
the two are not products of the same interaction. That leaves only the
lower chamber data connected to the Centauro I event. In other words,
the man-horse analogy becomes redundant. There is only an obvious
"tail", and no "head". The original detector setup had gaps between
neighboring blocks in the upper chamber. Linear dimensions of gaps
were comparable to the geometrical size of the event. The signal
observed in the lower detector was similar to an ordinary interaction
occurred at low altitude above the chamber, thus providing a natural
solution: passing of a cascade of particles through a gap between the
upper blocks.
In 2005 it was shown that "other Centauro events" can be explained by
peculiarities of the Chacaltaya detector. So-called "exotic signal"
observed so far in cosmic ray experiments using a traditional X-ray
emulsion chamber detector can be consistently explained within the
framework of standard physics.
There are also rather too many occurrences for them to be 'aliens
taking a look at us'.
(Unless we have become a popular soap-opera for aliens).
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