[ExI] Religious Idiocy Triumphs Over Science Yet Again

Will Steinberg steinberg.will at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 21:47:03 UTC 2015

Maybe try and learn more about the universe by studying native Hawaiian
religion.  Especially cosmogonies. I've found that religions around the
world tend to retain a similar universal origin story that is very
compelling, abstract, and similar to the scientific perspective.

The humans of old studied the heavens and natural events for hundreds of
thousands of years; I think that gives their protophysics intuition
credibility.  Imagine you had a computer that, for a hundred millennia,
recorded the position of the sun and stars, weather, natural selection of
flora and fauna, geophysical processes, and how all of these interacted.  I
wouldn't be surprised if that computer produced valuable insight.

Back then when all there was to do was look at shit, have sex, and try not
to die, everyone thought about nature all the time.  The stars were what
they got instead of TV.  I think they were all probably smarter than the
average American.  And they knew how to survive.  Unlike, I'm positive,
most of us--but I wouldn't be surprised if Spike had some boy scout know

Side question, I wonder, when did humans start having sex like
today--passionately, and with with the pleasure of both parties considered?
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