[ExI] darpa's notion of using a retrofitted fighter jet to launch payloads

justin corwin outlawpoet at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 08:34:25 UTC 2015

Interesting stuff Adrian,

On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 6:45 PM, Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 5:16 PM, justin corwin <outlawpoet at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Adrian! I didn't realize you were working in this area.
> I thought for sure I'd mentioned CubeCab on this list before.

That's my bad, searching my archives proves you have, I just have been
pretty absentee on this list for some time. I see you won that NewSpace
business plan contest last year, good stuff.

> You say you aren't rounding up lots of cubesats before launching, does
>> that mean it's a relatively small launcher, like the ones from earlier in
>> this thread?
> A tiny launcher with a payload capacity of 1 CubeSat.  We're making 2
> models: one for 1Us and one for 3Us.  The 3U is easier - scaling rockets
> down is our biggest technical challenge - so we're working on that first.

I can imagine, as the fractions get tighter, engineering gets complicated.
Do you have a unique solution you are willing to talk about? One of the
things I noticed is that your website is very light on details. That can be
a good or a bad thing, but particularly with a new launcher, vagueness is

> I do not suppose you might be able to help?  We have engineers (and you
> wouldn't be able to help with that anyway, unless you're local to the
> Silicon Valley area); what we need help with is all the other things that
> go into a business: marketing, fundraising, et cetera.

Well I'm down in LA, and my specialty is software. But I have been involved
in a few startups and crowdfunding campaigns. I've gotten pretty good at
writing copy and tweaking spreadsheets and slidedecks. Send me a private
email offlist and we can see if there's anything I can help with.

Justin Corwin
outlawpoet at gmail.com
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