[ExI] i'll bee seeing you... was: RE: old software fun

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Tue Jun 2 18:16:23 UTC 2015

Spike wrote:

>This gave me an idea.  Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste: we
>have this severe California drought.  The governor is urging us to let our
>lawns die this year (some are doing it (I am.))  We could urge proles to get
>rid of the stupid useless grass, replace it with something that feeds bees.
>Replace even a tenth of the lawns with bee-friendly flowers, think of all
>the benefits: less water usage, more color, more variety, more bugs and
>bees, a better migratory path for those passing thru, less noise from
>mowers, lots of benefits.

Too bad the domain buzzfeed.com is already taken....

-- David.

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