[ExI] New Subscriber Introduction

Ivor Peter Brians ipbrians at simplyweb.net
Sat May 2 14:29:17 UTC 2015

Funny story for you Ivor:

On the ExI group, I keep in mind a vague idea of who are our hipsters in what areas.  I know if I have any question on medical stuff, we have Dr. Smigrodzki, for data security, Harvey Newstrom, for pretty much anything you want to know, we have the omni-hipster Anders Sandberg who either knows the answer or knows the cat who knows the answer.

When I saw your email @ ipbrians I read it as ipbrains, and immediately concluded OK cool now if I have any intellectual property questions...

I hope I'm doing the reply correctly and if not, someone please correct me.

When I read "funny story" as related to my email address I immediately interpreted the "I P Brains" differently and thought of a urologist with some sort of neural breakdown disorder. 

I'm afraid that I do not have a professional specialty in a field that would relate to most of the subject matter here (unless somehow the subject of classic cars comes up).


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