[ExI] any dispute?

Rafal Smigrodzki rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com
Wed May 20 01:11:26 UTC 2015

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Dave Sill <sparge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Clearly meant to remind one of the Nazis. Wikipedia summarizes the dangers
> nicely:
> *"The main critique towards eugenics policies is that regardless of
> whether "negative" or "positive" policies are used, they are vulnerable to
> political abuse because the criteria of selection are determined by
> whichever group is in power. Furthermore, negative eugenics in particular
> is considered by many to be a violation of basic human rights, which
> include the right to reproduction."*

### The notion of basic human rights is a bucket into which leftoids throw
whatever they fancy, usually as a pretext to extract more resources from
workers and to raise their level of control over workers.

A basic right does not entail responsibilities, is not conferred by or
conditional on performance of duties. To say that a human has a basic right
to reproduce means that she cannot be punished for exercising it,
unconditionally. No money, no problem - but somebody will need to pay -
maybe her offspring will pay by going hungry, maybe a worker will be
deprived of his gains to feed them. Acknowledging reproduction as a basic
right is a bad idea.

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