[ExI] before?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 08:31:35 UTC 2016

On 5 April 2016 at 04:34, spike wrote:
> He has an interesting take on privacy: the Germans really get the whole
> privacy thing much better than Yanks.  They remember what happened in the
> 1930s and know it can happen again, anywhere.  His words ring true to me as
> I listen to the current appalling crop of US presidential candidates.  All
> four of the remaining candidates have an outlook that favors statism.  All
> four feel like power grabbers to me.  I am hoping one of them will choose
> Gary Johnson as a running mate.

It's not just governments. Companies are at least as bad about
disliking individual privacy. The direction of technology is to stop
people being anonymous consumers. If someone consumes (buys) a product
or service then they must have id so that the database records can be
updated and analysed.

That is part of the reasoning to ban cash transactions. Micro payments
will mean that even the most trivial of actions will require id and be
tracked and recorded. Your smartphone already means that most of your
life is recorded. Where, when, how much, how long, who else was
present, what was spoken or texted, is all in the databases.

In the near future, destroying your smartphone and internet link will
ensure you join the underclass of 'non-persons' banished from society.


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