[ExI] Avoid the subject

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 00:09:40 UTC 2016

Though I must admit I find evolutionary psychology perhaps the most
depressing subject in science.  The only thing worse is the speed of

Oh really?  I can see speed of light.  That does make it nearly impossible
to cruise the galaxy like we fantasize about in sci-fi.

But why evol. psych?  After all, it got us here.  What the trouble?  Too

I would have said clinical psych, but maybe that's just not too
scientific.  Very depressing how little we can do in that area.  Some drugs
which sorta work and talk.

bill w

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Let's avoid the subject of elections on this list. It is odious.
> > Rafał
> True.  However, I think the meta level of what happens when large
> numbers of a population are under economic stress is an important
> subject.
> Though I must admit I find evolutionary psychology perhaps the most
> depressing subject in science.  The only thing worse is the speed of
> light.
> Keith
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