[ExI] Avoid the subject
Keith Henson
hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 14:47:44 UTC 2016
"But why evol. psych?"
I have, as you might know, applied it to war and related social disruptions.
I understand why the IRA went out of business. At the root of it, the
Irish women brought the birth rate down to close to replacement. With
slow population growth, the income per capita went up from modest
economic growth. That turned off the population support for the IRA
because fighting is not good for your genes when you have a bright
Now try imagining this happening in Saudi Arabia or any of the other
Arab culture states. It's only partly Islam because Iran as fallen to
about two kids per woman.
We can live with the rocket equations. Global war, maybe not.
On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 5:09 PM, William Flynn Wallace
<foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Though I must admit I find evolutionary psychology perhaps the most
> depressing subject in science. The only thing worse is the speed of
> light.
> Keith
> Oh really? I can see speed of light. That does make it nearly impossible
> to cruise the galaxy like we fantasize about in sci-fi.
> But why evol. psych? After all, it got us here. What the trouble? Too
> slow?
> I would have said clinical psych, but maybe that's just not too scientific.
> Very depressing how little we can do in that area. Some drugs which sorta
> work and talk.
> bill w
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Let's avoid the subject of elections on this list. It is odious.
>> > Rafał
>> True. However, I think the meta level of what happens when large
>> numbers of a population are under economic stress is an important
>> subject.
>> Though I must admit I find evolutionary psychology perhaps the most
>> depressing subject in science. The only thing worse is the speed of
>> light.
>> Keith
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