[ExI] Anti-aging young blood clinical trial
Anders Sandberg
anders at aleph.se
Mon Aug 8 07:28:38 UTC 2016
The fun thing with the Simpsons and Futurama is that the creators are
quite savvy on many research topics*. Parabiosis is *way* older; Paul
Bert got a prize for it 1866.
While much interest is in some of the proteins being exchanged, I
suspect the biggest effect is correcting homeostasis. We'll see.
* The Futurama mind-switching theorem
is another cool example.
On 2016-08-08 05:25, spike wrote:
>> ... On Behalf Of BillK
> Subject: [ExI] Anti-aging young blood clinical trial
> It reads like the clichéd plot of a horror novel: by ingesting the blood of a younger person, you become younger yourself....
> -------
> BillK
> _______________________________________________
> Oh my it will be such fun if it works: the scientific community will be in debt to a story line from The Simpsons from over a quarter of a century ago. Mr. Burns becomes ill with hypohemia and needs a transfusion, but has the super-rare fictional type double O negative. Bart is the only person in Springfield with double O negative. The transfusion not only saves Burns' life but he feels wonderful, youthful again. Chaos ensues.
> spike
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Dr Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford Martin School
Oxford University
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