[ExI] candidates and psychopathy

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 16:23:16 UTC 2016

Then ponder that it never seems to cross the mind of the researcher to have
Gary Johnson and Jill Stein in the study, who will be on the ballot in
every state, rather than Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, who will be on none
of them.

Please sir, what is wrong with this picture?


*You know.  Lots of things.  For one, they probably had little info on
Johnson and Stein.  For another, the two party system.  For another, both
parties are corrupt, and what do you expect when hundreds of millions of
dollars are donated?  In MS you can spend your unused contributions any way
you want (and laws to limit this failed in the legislature this year).  For
another, the campaign trail is way way too long.  Many of us were sick of
it many months ago.  Let's adopt the British system. *

*bill w*

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 5:25 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 17, 2016 2:50 PM
> *To:* ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> *Subject:* [ExI] candidates and psychopathy
> http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/mind-guest-blog/of-psychopaths-and-
> presidential-candidates/?WT.mc_id=SA_WR_20160817
> All highly speculative, of course.  I said I was going to stop this, but
> this article will interest many of you, I am sure.
> bill w
> No worries BillW.  This nightmare of an election season will be over in
> three months.  Then we get to wake up to a new and worse nightmare.
> In that link you sent, notice the scores of Bernie Sanders.  Note that he
> is in the same neighborhood as George Washington and Margaret Thatcher,
> Lincoln, Ghandi.  Now compare with the others, who fit with Idi Amin,
> Adolph Hitler, Henry VIII and that distasteful neighborhood.  And then note
> that Sanders’ party cheated to hand the nomination to his competitor.  Then
> when caught by hackers, they apologize (sort of (weakly)) fire three
> conspirators, compare the hacking to the Watergate burglary… then let the
> result stand.  They wonder why they are accused in advance of cheating in
> the main event.
> Then ponder that it never seems to cross the mind of the researcher to
> have Gary Johnson and Jill Stein in the study, who will be on the ballot in
> every state, rather than Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, who will be on none
> of them.
> Please sir, what is wrong with this picture?
> spike
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