[ExI] To vote or not to vote
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 19:37:35 UTC 2016
Here is the link to the feds and NC:
here is another:
Result: dishonesty survives to reproduce, corruption evolves.
I have no dog in this fight and have no problems with your proposed
solutions and am certainly demeaning them as unnecessary. I am in favor of
anything that can reduce corruption by political parties.
bill w
On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 2:09 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *Sent:* Friday, August 19, 2016 11:45 AM
> *To:* ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] To vote or not to vote
> This approach meets all the FLAVOR requirements for elections and is so
> easy to do, even tiny little microscopic spike66 thought of it. We haven’t
> even yet heard your still better ideas. spike
> I see in the news where some states have attempted to make it more
> difficult for some voters to vote, by enacting all sorts of rules and time
> limits, etc. MS has done so. Motor voter and all that.
> I also see in the news the question: why are all these things necessary?
> There hasn't been a slue of voting irregularities noted anywhere in this
> state or the others where such laws are attempted.
> Your response?
> bill w
> BillW, how would we know? How do these news agencies who make such claims
> know election fraud is not currently taking place? What evidence do they
> offer? If voting regularity is at the machine level how would we catch it
> or know it is going on? Why is it that we have no means of systematically
> comparing the voting result from mail-in ballots vs in-person paper voting
> vs in-person machine voting? If those results disagree, why do they
> disagree and which favors which party? Where are these laws that make it
> more difficult for some voters, and what voters are those, and why is it
> more difficult for those voters and why?
> Looks to me like a FLAVOR poll would make it easier for all voters legally
> entitled to cast a vote. With such a system, homeless people could vote,
> once. One can be homeless in as many states as one wants. I am currently
> homeless in 49 states, homeful in one. Some people live in RVs, so they
> can tour the purple states and be homeless in all of them. Nothing
> explicitly precludes homeless people from voting. FLAVOR-compliant
> elections would allow the voting to be extended arbitrarily since admission
> to the ballot box one time would be controlled by biometrics. This would
> make it easier for legal voters everywhere, easier to cast one vote. Much
> harder to cast many or cast votes illegally such as in multiple states.
> By the way, BillW, can you offer me a link to that law you referenced that
> restricts minorities from voting? Google doesn’t seem to know about it.
> I also see in the news the question: why are all these things necessary?
> Hmmm, I will give you a minute to ponder that one. Eh, no I won’t.
> FLAVOR elections are necessary because WE DON’T TRUST the person likely to
> be elected this time. We distrust both of them. We distrust the current
> election process, because it seems to go out of its way to be covert and
> unverifiable We are being asked to take the word of a party already caught
> cheating to favor one candidate. We have a mainstream candidate who is
> already hurling accusations of cheating if he loses, but not if he wins.
> Well, OK how do we answer him? We can’t.
> But we can see that a fair FLAVOR-compliant election could easily be
> designed and implemented universally. It could have been a long time ago,
> but we didn’t. No one seems to be doing it now, nor are there any plans to
> do so in the future, for a perfectly understandable reason: the winner has
> a vested interest in keeping the current system and the loser’s attitude is
> irrelevant, for he is out of power.
> Result: dishonesty survives to reproduce, corruption evolves.
> spike
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