[ExI] david statue coincidence

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 00:32:38 UTC 2016

Ja.  Their strategy would be to get their own guys hired as guards.  Then
on command, they flee in all directions. spike

Of course the guys with Uzis are the only security you see.  Wanna bet they
have more?

Now carry my idea further:  using the same technology and software, build a
machine that can reproduce famous art works down to the tiniest

So, in effect, famous pieces of art, not counting the Sphinx or the Tower
of Pisa, will be as easily reproduced as music.  I think the validation of
original art depends a lot on the canvas age and such, so this should not
throw the art world into a tizzy.

Amazing coincidence re song.  Never heard of the songster - not surprising
given my lack of appreciation for pop music.

So few things I like.  Sometimes it's just annoying to be so picky, but
what can you do?

Are we through discussing teaching?  I really wanted comments on my way.  I
did lecture, sort of, and that's going out of style some places.  What I
really wanted was to have all the students read the material before coming
to class.  Boy, then I could really teach.  What the Ss that I had did was
just backwards:  go to class and try to get what the guy is saying, and go
home and read about and try to put together what the teacher said and what
the book said.

That way the class has moved on to the next topic while the Ss still have
questions about what I've covered.  Awkward.  Then they had only their
fellow students to ask.

 But I never could get them to read beforehand, even using pop tests to
motivate them.  They just hated me for those pop tests.

What was supposed to happen, and I told them at the start of the term:
 read the book (then go back to the beginning and study it), pencil in
question marks at passages they did not understand, bring the book to class
and go through it while I do my thing and ask your questions when we get to
your marks.

That's what I did starting sometime in college, and it worked well for me.
But they used the old way:  read the book the night before the test.

bill w

On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 5:55 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 21, 2016 2:38 PM
> *To:* ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] david statue coincidence
> >>…as few as three or four fellers with ropes and AKs could show up, use
> the latter to slay everyone in the joint,  spike
> >…Been to the Uffizi lately?  When I went there was a startling number of
> guards in and out with Uzis.  billw
> Ja.  Their strategy would be to get their own guys hired as guards.  Then
> on command, they flee in all directions.  Not that I am paranoid or
> anything, but if we fail to foresee the reasonable possibilities, the
> things valuable to us in this world are likely going to be a fading memory.
> BillW, you might be old enough to remember the immortal (almost) Casey
> Kasem, whiling away our misspent youth counting down Americaaaaaaan Top
> Fortyyyyyy…
> Casey’s real name is Kemal Amen Kasem, whose family is from Lebanon.  His
> twin brother Ammed returned to the homeland, but the two so far
> geographically separated took similar career paths, with Ammed still
> hosting Arabiaaaan Top Fortyyyy.
> The other day I was listening to it and heard a tune which reminded me of
> one from my own misspent youth.  Not understanding the language, I played
> it into that nifty voice-recognition Google translate function.  The
> translated words came back as follows:
> Down doobeedoo down down,
> David’s coming down doobeedoodown down down,
> Breakin’ up is whaaaat he’ll do
> Don’t stand next toooo
> That white statue,
> Or risk that it will fall on you,
> Then we fidels will start anew,
> ‘Cause breakin’ up is what he’ll do…
> We’ll do moooore than just a try,
> The guards with guns are gonna die,
> We’ll have no moooore big nekkid guy,
> Cause breakin’ up is what he’ll do…
> Or something like that.  Of course one can never trust these online
> translation programs.  It might have been one of those swingy fun dance
> tunes so popular in that part of the world and just sounded like something
> that translated this way.
> A semi-serious note on such a grim topic (sheesh): a bunch of guys out
> front of the museum with Uzis is a start, but it is easy enough to foresee
> that still more guys with still more guns could succeed in ridding our
> world of a stunning and priceless work of art, and it isn’t just
> Michelangelo’s work at risk.  We are seeing irreplaceable antiquities
> smashed to shards today.  By Keith’s observations, this unimaginable
> destruction could kick into high gear.
> spike
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