[ExI] the eagles are coming!

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 17:23:03 UTC 2016

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 10:52 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *…*
> *​**OK**, I concede.  But can the drones be easily detected on radar when
> they fly, say, 100 feet high?  Birds can detect those easily and maybe
> radar can't.*
> ​bill w
> It would depend on the application, what it is you are trying to defend
> and your budget.
> If the target is what they showed the eagle attacking, you would use
> something higher frequency than radio waves, probably a dual or
> multispectral detector going all the way up into near IR or possibly even
> into the visible spectrum, have a processor figure out what it is and whack
> it out of the sky.  For plenty of applications, you would want to recover
> the device, see what Snoopy had in mind, figure out who launched it,
> perhaps by recovering DNA, or downloading onboard memory.
> If the drone is delivering an explosive device for instance, the
> constables want to study that and find out whodunit.
> If they only had a GoPro and wanted to take photos at the local nudist
> colony, it isn’t as complicated, and doesn’t warrant anything more than a
> drone hawk, Mister Twelve Gage or even just a well-aimed water hose.  Then
> you get the device and the photos.  On the other hand, if you have ever
> actually been to a nudist colony you might question the value of risking a
> perfectly good toy drone for photos of that.
> spike

​Aye, I've heard that about nudist colonies, and haven't gone to one.  Not
that I'm not proud, you see, but maybe not that proud.  In any case, not
the place for a married man and an introvert to boot, with a wife worth
looking at.

Thanks for all the info but I think you ducked the question (pun
intended).  Or maybe you don't know just how low a radar can detect

​ Is 'under the radar' still applicable?  Or maybe it would be a
satellite?  I know they can read newspapers from up there​.  But can they
scan for low flying drones?  Our defense dept. has to be working on that.

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