[ExI] Wise Donald Trump
Dave Sill
sparge at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 16:24:59 UTC 2016
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 12:10 PM, John Clark <johnkclark at gmail.com> wrote:
> Violating a
> non-disclosure agreement
> is a civil wrong not a criminal offence. You get a big fine for violating
> a
> non-disclosure agreement
> , you get hung for treason.
Disclosing classified information is punishable by a fine and/or up to ten
years in prison.
But to be fair Powell said he's received Christmas greetings marked "top
> secret" and I have no doubt he was telling the truth. Secrecy inflation is
> a real problem in government, bureaucrats figure if they don't stamp "Top
> Secret" on something people will figure it's not important; it's become
> automatic almost like saying "Hello".
Stamping "Top Secret" on something doesn't make it Top Secret.
> No Spike these are Donald Trump's words not mine:
> “
> *Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would. In a heartbeat.
> I would approve more than that. And if it doesn’t work, they deserve it
> anyway for what they do to us*”.
Yes, let's take the pathological liar at face value.
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