[ExI] Wise Donald Trump
John Clark
johnkclark at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 16:10:48 UTC 2016
On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 8:57 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> >
>> >
>> … Now it's
>> [Treason}
>> a capital offence? Do you think she should suffer the death penalty?
> >
> No, that would be a bit harsh. Jeffrey Sterling got 3.5 years vacation at
> Club Fed, for erasing a single email after the court demanded he turn it
> over.
Hillary erased no Email that the court demanded she turn over, and even if
she did that would not be treason or anything close to it.
> >
> She broke laws. That non-disclosure agreement she signed going in puts
> the signer at legal liability.
Violating a
non-disclosure agreement
is a civil wrong not a criminal offence. You get a big fine for violating
non-disclosure agreement
, you get hung for treason.
> >
> Stand by for FBI report.
I am, and I'm
looking forward to my $10.
> >
>> >
>> …and she did nothing the 5 previous secretaries of state didn't do…
> >
> False. None of the previous 5 secretaries had their own servers
Well maybe it is false, all I know is that's not what the State Department
But to be fair Powell said he's received Christmas greetings marked "top
secret" and I have no doubt he was telling the truth. Secrecy inflation is
a real problem in government, bureaucrats figure if they don't stamp "Top
Secret" on something people will figure it's not important; it's become
automatic almost like saying "Hello".
> None of the predecessors diverted ALL state business into a privately
> controlled unsecured server
And Hillary didn't conduct ALL state department business on a private
Email server either.
> >
> John if you can prove that, we can net two additional bad guys, Powell and
> Rice.
Then I guess we're going to have a triple hanging,
and Hillary.
>> >
>> … Since when is that more horrible than torture for fun?
> >
> These are your words John.
No Spike these are Donald Trump's words not mine:
*Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would. In a heartbeat. I
would approve more than that. And if it doesn’t work, they deserve it
anyway for what they do to us*”.
And then Trump added:
*The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their
families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their
families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say
they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families*"
Spike, after fascist barbarism like that why are we still talking about
's stupid Emails and not about civilization descending back into the
middle ages?
> >
>> >
>> …Subpoena? What subpoena?
> >
> This subpoena:
OK, you're right, there was a subpoena
. It
or all documents related to
or Libya for 2011 and 2012 and she did so.
said nothing about giving the
server although
voluntarily gave the State Department
55,000 additional Emails
> Indeed? So why did she erase the 30,000?
Because they did not involve
in 2011 or 2012 and were personal. I have personal Emails, don't you? She
erased them when she knew the subpoena was coming but before she actually
got it.
I have well over 30,000 Emails on my computer and if I knew I was about to
receive a subpoena from my political opponents because they knew I was
planning to run for president in 2016
and were looking for any dirt they could use against me I'd erase them
too. So would you.
>> I thought I was well informed but I never heard even the slightest hint
>> of something like that before now. Tell me more.
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3287090/Benghazi-victim-s-father-Hillary-told-maker-film-prophet-Mohamed-arrested-causing-son-s-death.html
true it would be a real Hillary scandal not like this silly Email stuff
. It wouldn't be
as bad as Trump's repeated asserting that the libels law should be
strengthened but still pretty damn bad. But is it true?
All we have is a second hand account from Fox news of a paraphrase of what
Hillary was supposed to have said
namely "we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for
the death of my son". I must say it seems very very odd that a Secretary Of
State would say to a grieving father
something like "
we're going to
the people who made a movie
and not
"the movie shouldn't have been made and
we're going to
the people who murdered your son
Unlike the case with Hillary we have numerous recordings of Trump saying
with his own pie hole that the libel laws should be strengthened, b
ut if she really said that it's a huge
mark against her
, I'd still vote for her over Trump but with less enthusiasm
The fact that the charge came from Fox News does not add to it's
> >
> How do we know those 30,000 erased emails didn’t contain yoga and wedding
> plans, which will land her in prison for life?
I've erased Email
on this very day
, how do you know
contain information which
would have
in prison for life
? I can't prove they weren't love letters to ISIS, but is that the way
things will work in the Trump era, if I can't prove I'm innocent I go to
> >
> And if so, how do we verify the bad guys don’t already have them?
I'm sure the bad guys already have them. I'm sure that when she sent
30,000 Email to ISIS containing the complete blueprints for a B1 bomber
she'd wanted to mail them from a server with a "
" domaine name.
John K Clark
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