[ExI] Wise Donald Trump
John Clark
johnkclark at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 20:28:07 UTC 2016
On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 2:54 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> … Since when is that more horrible than torture for fun?
> > These are your words John.
> >…No Spike these are Donald Trump's words not mine:
> I didn’t see anything in there about fun. Did you?
es I did. After bragging about the new innovative tortures he would dream
up that we haven't used yet to get information he says "
And if it doesn’t work, they deserve it anyway for what they do to us”.
If it doesn't work, if you learn nothing from the torture because the
person just doesn't know the information that you want then the only reason
to torture is for fun.
Spike, with a monster like that about to become the most powerful man in
the world why the hell are we still talking about a bunch of stupid Emails?
>> >
>> …Just yesterday I said that if Trump becomes president he will put
>> people in jail for saying things about him he doesn't like. Some thought I
>> was overstating my case but today after Hillary gave a speech highlighting
>> Trump's ignorant imbecilic and above all dangerous national security
>> policy Trump said this:
> *"And remember I said I was a counter-puncher? I am. After what she said
> about me today and her phony speech. That was a phony speech. That was a
> Donald Trump hit job. I will say this. Hillary Clinton has to go to jail.
> She has to go to jail."*
> Doesn’t it make you want to hug your Constitution?
Yes the Constitution is nice but remember it's just a piece of paper, a
very nice piece of paper but paper nevertheless. The Constitution is only
as good as the person who enforces it (the President) and the people who
interpret it (The Supreme Court appointed by the President). I've been
making the case that Hillary did nothing illegal but if Trump wins I
predict she will indeed end up in prison but she won't be alone, hundreds
of Trump's political opponents will get rounded up too. Trump is how
fascism starts, and don't think the USA is immune from it just because it
has a constitution, Trump will wipe his ass on it and the people will
>…OK, you're right, there was a subpoena. It asked for all documents
>> related to Benghazi and or Libya for 2011 and 2012 and she did so…
> >
> How do we know that?
We can't. If you demand I turn over to you all the documents I have on
subject X and I give you a cubic mile of paper I can't prove that I didn't
leave one sheet out. So do I go to jail?
> >
> When Mrs. Clinton arranged to have her own server
> [...]
Just like what 5 previous secretaries of state did.
> When people destroy evidence, they appear guilty.
Not when you can't explain evidence or what, not when you can't even
explain exactly what they're supposed to be guilty of.
> >
> perhaps arranged to arm Syrian rebels, perhaps in exchange for anonymous
> donations to a charity,
Perhaps, and maybe she conspired with martians to invade the Earth but you
have zero evidence of that, and zero evidence those Emails were about
anything immoral, much less illegal, much less TREASONABLE. And with Donald
Trump wanting to torture people for fun, and threatening to throw his
political opponents in prison once he gains power, and encouraging Germany,
South Korea, Japan and *Saudi Arabia* and who knows who else get nuclear
John K Clark
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