[ExI] Circumcision
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 16:26:37 UTC 2016
Luckily, since gender is a social construct, soon we men all will be able
to claim womanhood. We won't even have to remove any body parts.
It's a comedy, isn't it Rafal? I have been or tried to be a feminist
since the 70s. Very few of my Alabama or Mississippi female students had
any interest in it, perhaps because of the strident nature of the feminists
at that time. But lately I see that many women are still not calling
themselves feminists, but are still active for equal pay etc.
Totally off the table here, for them, is the idea that biology has anything
to do with gender identity. Or any differences in genetic ability, like
math, for that matter.
Oh well, the women's movement is still relatively young, historically, and
no doubt will change yet again as more equality opens up for them. I won't
live to see it, but I suspect that at least some changes will happen even
in ISlam.
Will we ever come to any conclusions about the roles of genetics and
environment in men and women? No. Not as long as anything can be said to
be superior or inferior. Neither gender will admit inferiority, I suspect.
But may be that's just too pessimistic. Science will discover
differences. There are clear differences in gender in pain tolerance in
favor of women, and men don't seem to squawk about it - probably because
they just don't know! Or the Big Two: language ability favoring women, and
spatial ability favoring men. They don't seem to attract much controversy.
Studies: women suffer more when the pain is rather small, but suffer less
when the pain is great.
bill w
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Rafal Smigrodzki <
rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 6:30 AM, Anders <anders at aleph.se> wrote:
>> From an ethics perspective this is obviously stupid: gender does not
>> matter, and few if any ethicists are willing to say that one cultural
>> system provides valid reasons but the other doesn't.
> ### But gender does matter!
> In our culture men are worthless, except as providers of the material
> goods that women need to achieve personal growth and fulfillment. Women are
> the superior gender, to be put on a pedestal and worshipped. No wonder it's
> fine to cut off a boy's and not fine to cut a girl's wee-wee parts.
> Luckily, since gender is a social construct, soon we men all will be able
> to claim womanhood. We won't even have to remove any body parts.
> Rafał
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