[ExI] Autonomous car ethics
pharos at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 22:37:22 UTC 2016
On 25 June 2016 at 20:06, spike wrote:
> I may have misunderstood what I was told about the algorithm or something
> has changed, but I heard that swerving is not one of the evasive maneuvers
> available to a self-driver. In an emergency situation it brakes hard. It
> can move to one side of the lane if that space is clear but if an unaware
> driver starts to drift over (a situation perhaps everyone here has been in,
> and possibly even done) then the self-driver brakes hard while moving away
> but doesn't do anything analogous to a human driver swerving. If a squirrel
> or dog darts out, the car brakes hard but doesn't swerve to miss.
> This feature introduces new challenges and possibly dangers. We humans look
> through the car ahead of us, perhaps without even being aware we are doing
> it. If the car in front of us has a clear road in front of it, that car can
> sometimes cause an accident by suddenly braking hard. I am told some
> insurance company scammers do this, since it is the fault of the guy in
> back.
Collision avoidance systems are now appearing in ordinary cars. Both
forward collision avoidance using braking and side collision avoidance
using steering. Surely Google will be using similar systems?
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