[ExI] quote of the day - power

Anders Sandberg anders at aleph.se
Sun Mar 27 02:36:30 UTC 2016

On 2016-03-27 02:10, William Flynn Wallace wrote:
>     I think I am missing something here.   You cannot mean a literal
>     translation of the visual or auditory field - which should be
>     identical.  You want to experience the /interpretation /of the
>     field.  The attitudes and so on, right? Beautiful, ugly, boring,
>     etc.  Of course those would be individual-specific, not
>     gender-specific.

Actually, that suggests an interesting augmented reality app. Imagine 
running a computer vision system identifying things (we are getting 
there for realtime captioning, https://vimeo.com/146492001, it is not 
hard to imagine this working quite well in one or two years). These 
things are run through a word meaning API (like https://www.wordsapi.com 
or www.wordnik.com) that gives a first order interpretation. Now, the 
really interesting thing is that we can do word association mining 
online or elsewhere to get associations and sentiment - when you see 
something it could be surrounded with associated attributes. If the 
associations are mined from particular communities or experiences, then 
it might actually give more sense of the interpretation of the field. A 
dollar bill will have rather different halos when seen from a marxist, 
rapper, poor, or libertarian context.

(I got the idea from this webcomic strip, 
http://www.sinfest.net/view.php?date=2011-10-09 )

In practice this requires some not-quite-here yet tech to interpret 
social roles and actions that I think current deep learning is still bad 
at, but for concrete objects it shoud work. It actually sounds like a 
project the MIT Media Lab or some similar institution might do just for 

Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford Martin School
Oxford University

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