[ExI] Gunfight at the OK Convention

Anders Sandberg anders at aleph.se
Mon Mar 28 08:20:00 UTC 2016

I got the impression the petition was  actually started by a bunch of 
democrat gadflies. But the joke is a pretty good one. Whenever I 
encounter someone being irrationally optimistic about the politeness and 
peacemaking properties of guns I suggest that this is why we ought to 
arm prisoners.

Still, we ought to get away from the dreaded g*ns topic (we had a ban on 
it on this list for many years, given the fierce positions some people 
took). A better question is: how would we construct respectful, 
intelligent foras for discussing policy and how to stabilie them? I am 
not asking how to make current systems work, just what it takes to make 
a forum work well. Once we know that we might conspire to make them common.

On 2016-03-28 01:37, William Flynn Wallace wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2016 at 7:09 PM, John Clark <johnkclark at gmail.com 
> <mailto:johnkclark at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Republicans now want to allow people to carry firearms when they
>     meet in Cleveland in July for their convention to nominate Donald
>     Trump as their presidential candidate. Thousands of irrational
>     people who hate each others guts jammed into one small hot
>     auditorium each armed with a 44 Magnum revolver strapped to his
>     waist and claiming to have a larger dick and a better looking wife
>     than anybody else; what could possibly go wrong?
>     http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/03/27/donald-trump-ted-cruz-john-kasich-guns-open-carry-cleveland-convention-republicans/82321374/
>       John K Clark
> ​Why John, this seems to me to be totally normal behavior for the 
> current slate of Repubs.  Do you think this is somewhat unusual?  ​
> ​​ Cowboys are all Repubs, aren't they?  Or at least the wannabes.  
> Highly predictable, I'd say.  Scream at the top of your voice and 
> carry the biggest stick, ride in a Humvee.  Will Trump be the first 
> comb-over president? Combing over not just his bald spots but his 
> earlier political positions?
> I personally experienced Earl Long and George Wallace (early rabble 
> rousers and demagogues for those of you overseas).  (Earl won the 
> entertainment value contest hams down - showed up on a flat bed truck, 
> wearing one of those old man T shirts, sweating and drinking from a 
> pint bottle and giving away hams and tubs of lard "Give a ham to the 
> nigger lady in the back" while a country music band played.  And he 
> won.  Easily.  For US Rep central LA.  Died two weeks later - heart.) 
>  Democrats in those days, of course.
> bill w
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Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford Martin School
Oxford University

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