[ExI] experiment: decreased investment in individual memes...

Henry Rivera hrivera at alumni.virginia.edu
Tue Mar 29 14:53:20 UTC 2016

> On Mar 29, 2016, at 10:17 AM, William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 7:30 PM, Anders Sandberg <anders at aleph.se> wrote:
>>> On 2016-03-29 01:16, William Flynn Wallace wrote:
>>> ​What's the issue?  Commission of felonies, especially those involving national security,  erases all privacy expectations, or should.  This is far from just random scanning of everyone's data.
>> Forcing a company to design a tool to undermine their own security. 
>> Note: not revealing existing information or backdoors, but making one. 
>> Forcing companies to become complicit against their own will in surveillance is a bad step. 
>> -- 
>> Anders Sandberg
>> Future of Humanity Institute
>> Oxford Martin School
>> Oxford University
>> ​I suppose that my problem here is not understanding the programming.  Apparently it took some big expert to break into the iPhone, but at any rate it was done and if it was, then others could do it too.  So it wasn't impossible without Apples' help.
> ​And if you do require some company to change their security, what's the big deal about that?  Is the programming so difficult?​ ​ ​Change it and then get everyone to update.  Inconvenient but necessary at time.
> If lives are truly at stake, and you could make a good case that they were, then that takes precedence over changing the programming.  I do think a federal judge should handle this type of thing.
> So unless I hear from someone about the programming, then I 'll stick to this:  public need to know trumps (sorry) private companies' needs or wants.
> bill w
As the former head of NSA (Hayden) has come around to acknowledging in his new book and in interviews promoting it, the forced/sanctioned bypassing of encryption/security is a public safety and/or national security issue as well. So we are apparently weighing public need vs public need. 
I don't think you can make a good case that lives are truly at stake in the case of the San Bernardino phone by the way. It's all highly speculative.
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