[ExI] relationships with money, was: RE: extropy-chat Digest, Vol 152, Issue 3

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed May 4 20:46:59 UTC 2016

So what do we do there?  Is it analogous to that eccentric old guy down the
street who has several hundred military-grade rifles, assault weapons as
they are sometimes called, and half a million rounds of ammo?  That’s all
legal (in most US states), he hasn’t committed any crime with that
collection or arsenal.  But he damn sure could if he chose to, and we are
wary of that guy, ja?  He has empowered himself.  We know he has enabled
himself to go shoot up the local school or theatre.  Dare we ask what
religion he follows, or is that too un-PC?  Would it matter?

I am not sure what point you are making here.  Certainly for the Southern
third of the country it's highly likely to be Christian and tending toward
skinhead white power KKK in addition to some real paranoids who expect
confiscation to happen any day now.

Given my ignorance of finances I wonder what would happen if the US passed
a law against using non-US banks?  Nowhere to hide money.  I know the feds
got some action from the Swiss on anonymous accounts held by Americans.

I also don't follow the capital fleeing idea, but it doesn't matter.

bill w

On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 3:27 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] relationships with money, was: RE: extropy-chat
> Digest, Vol 152, Issue 3
> >>…In light of that fact, the answer to question:  Do we take their
> money? I would suggest, eh… no.  Definitely, no, unless every member of
> that “we” is ready to do life in the big house.
> spike
> >…Oh we do take their money - progressive taxes…
> Ja, but this conflates two different concepts: money owned and money in
> the process of being made.  The way the US 16th amendment was
> intentionally structured, the Fed can only tax earnings, not what you
> have.  The question was asked about having a certain amount, which the
> Federal government doesn’t even get to know, never mind take.
> In light of that, listen carefully to the rhetoric of our current leading
> US presidential candidates, while struggling to ignore the obvious
> question: Sheesh a third of a billion yanks, are these yahoos the REALLY
> the best we can do?  Can we have a do-over on the primaries if we throw out
> all the current contenders?
> No.  OK, so listen to the rhetoric concerning the oft-repeated
> catch-phrase “millionezzz and billionezzz” and ask yourself what has that
> to do with tax structures?  Nothing.  The tax code and those forms we fill
> out have no line asking what we own, only what we made last year.
> The constitutional amendment legalizing income taxation was specifically
> structured that way, to not take into account current possessions.  If that
> whole notion ever comes into question, capital flees in all directions at
> once, in completely unstoppable and undetectable ways.  We look around the
> next day and realize that everything is broke and in debt beyond all
> recognition.
> >…As for Dan's 'solution', stop having politicians that are bought, I beg
> answers to how to accomplish that… bill w
> That I may be able to answer once I see how this country deals with a
> glaring example of a politician setting up the infrastructure to be bought
> anonymously and legally (never mind the question of whether this particular
> politician was or was not bought, this particular politician set up
> everything needed to carry it out.)
> So what do we do there?  Is it analogous to that eccentric old guy down
> the street who has several hundred military-grade rifles, assault weapons
> as they are sometimes called, and half a million rounds of ammo?  That’s
> all legal (in most US states), he hasn’t committed any crime with that
> collection or arsenal.  But he damn sure could if he chose to, and we are
> wary of that guy, ja?  He has empowered himself.  We know he has enabled
> himself to go shoot up the local school or theatre.  Dare we ask what
> religion he follows, or is that too un-PC?  Would it matter?
> spike
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