[ExI] the disconnect

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 18:22:18 UTC 2016

We are far ahead of China and Japan - our economy is larger than theirs
combined.  Poverty, according to the World Bank, is around 10% worldwide as
opposed to 37% in 1990.  We lead the world in engineering and science and
business innovation.  Even the arts (if you can stand to call what's on TV

Pollution, discrimination, crime and most diseases are in a steady decline.

There's a lot more.  See link below.

So why are our politicians telling everyone that we are going to hell?
Because people just aren't getting the good messages (they don't sell
magazines and papers and TV time, apparently) and because fear is much
stronger than optimism.


It's hard, reading all of that, not to believe that we are in the best
times the USA and the world, has even seen.

bill w
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