[ExI] Sanders, Clinton and Trump

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu May 19 01:12:44 UTC 2016



From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of spike


>…  I don’t trust either of the current leaders with that much power, and not grabbing up as much power as legally possible, which is way too much.  Spike



Yesterday’s primary results I found encouraging.  We saw Trump win 2/3 of the vote in a closed primary, running completely unopposed.  Has that ever happened?  Imagine it, a third of his own party just said no when he had NO ONE running against him.  In Oregon the same day, we saw Hilliary Clinton LOSE to a guy we already know cannot win, even if he wins.  Think about it.  These two are so unpopular, they can scarcely win majority support when running completely or functionally unopposed in closed primaries.  The voters are as appalled at this choice as we are.


This might be the one and only chance for the Libertarians.  This once, just this once.


Never give up hope.






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