[ExI] If you built "Westworld" (or other robot sex) it would probably be with VR

Dave Sill sparge at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 12:29:58 UTC 2016

On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 11:39 PM, Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com> wrote:

> With such tests off the table for practical reasons, society is left with
> very crude measures such as, "are you old enough?"  This has worked well
> enough, until someone can come up with not just a better way (which is
> easy), but a way to keep that better way from becoming corrupted and/or
> massively distrusted, both during implementation and for at least many
> decades of use (which is very hard).

Here's an obvious attempt: at age 18 everyone becomes a legal adult by
default, but upon reaching some other age, say 13, juveniles can petition
the (presumably state) court for a declaration of adulthood. The
application could include a questionnaire and a 2-3 page essay by the
applicant on why they believe they're an adult. Judges or designated case
workers would interview applicants before the judge approves or denyies the
application. If approved, the now young adult would be issued a state Legal
Adult ID card.

> Keep in mind: once you set it up you, personally, don't get to control
> it.  It will be controlled by those in power.  If you invest much fame or
> reputation into the test - probably necessary in order to get wide
> acceptance in the first place - they will gladly use that to give
> legitimacy to the version they morph to their eds.  (They're rather good at
> that.)

Leaving the decision to judges takes most of the political control out of
the process.

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