[ExI] trump still
Darin Sunley
dsunley at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 21:39:50 UTC 2016
Planned Parenthood encouraging and profiting from abortions is, to these
people, the cartoonish supervillian icing on the evil cake, but their
outrage is certainly not restricted to that.
These people really sincerely believe that the simple widespread (thousands
or hundreds of thousands per year) practice of elective abortions, for
/any/ reason other than an immediate, urgent, clear and present danger to
the life of the mother, is really, really, really bad.
Like, nuclear war bad, only without the property damage.
If you don't understand that about these people, any outreach is unlikely
to be effective.
And as for "they believe a proper citizen should live in hatred, and should
have government support in doing so", there's a lot of that on both sides
of the aisle. "To vote for a racist monster is to be a racist monster
yourself, and to therefore deserve violent retribution", and so on. No less
than the worst Christian fundamentalists, the worst Progressive
fundamentalists define themselves by what they hate, and the level of
violence they are prepared to wield against what they hate.
But I note that the "Obama is the antichrist and is going to put us all in
FEMA concentration camps" folks have set a lot fewer cars and storefronts
on fire than the "Trump is Hitler" people out rioting as we speak.
On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 12:54 PM, Darin Sunley <dsunley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> To these people, an outside chance at ending what they see as
>> institutionalized mass infanticide is worth almost anything, even voting
>> for a Mad Men caricature who is otherwise a RINO.
>> These people think abortion is really, really, really bad, and they
>> haven't gone away just because they've been shouted down in the court of
>> public opinion.
> This is a good example of what I meant by "need deprogramming". Much of
> their outrage is based on flat-out lies that they believe, for example the
> claim that Planned Parenthood was encouraging abortions so as to sell fetal
> tissue. Even when (as with that claim) it is debunked and disproven in
> court, these people either never hear of it or refuse to believe the truth.
> I would almost wonder if we have evidence now that lying to the American
> people - when it is provably false, not merely unpopular but not
> disprovable beliefs - can, at certain levels, be a public hazard the same
> way shouting fire in a crowded theater is.
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