[ExI] Robot cars = even less privacy
spike66 at att.net
Fri Nov 18 15:29:43 UTC 2016
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf
Of BillK
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 2:43 AM
To: Extropy Chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Subject: [ExI] Robot cars = even less privacy
>...Credit cards, smartphones and Google already record and analyse
everything in people's lives.
>...Soon we can add robot cars to the list. Where you go, where you stop
and for how long, what you do in the car.... Oh, and it is listening
for voice commands, so it will record speech as well.
Oh BillK, this is potential for such terrific gags. Hack your buddy's car,
mess up his voice command file such that you can switch its command
vocabulary with a phone. He's on his way on a date, you switch the command
set such that Oh BABY means stop, ah ah ah means swerve left and right, that
sorta thing. Passers by will wonder Whaaaat in the heeelll? Spike's been
messing with that guy's car... etc
I mentioned the Truman Show yesterday. That film was made in 1998. We
already saw privacy slipping away. Recently I bought four security cameras
for my home that do a lot of stuff we had posted years earlier would be
great: motion detection, temporarily recording video, pretty good
resolution. These are battery powered, they can be turned on remotely, they
are smaller than a baseball, silent, no LEDs unless you turn them on,
wireless. Think about it: those would be eeeeaaaasy easy to hide in
anything anywhere, easy. A clock radio, a closet, lots of places in a hotel
room. If discovered, there is no way to know who put it there.
That part of the vision has come to pass. Anyone can watch and listen to
anything anywhere anywhen, and I forgot to mention: they are cheap.
>...Is this tracking everything life really what people want?
We have no choice in this BillK. We saw it coming, it happened. We have no
reasonable expectation of privacy, even where we expect it.
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